Author Archives: Leo Marchildon
Fr. Kry’s Contact Info
Telephone the Office during office hours or any time
The entrance way to the Adoration Chapel, the Chapel, and Knights of Columbus chambers remains closed for repairs.
K of C St. Valentine’s Day Pancake Breakfast
K of C Council 824 will be holding a St Valentine’s Day Fundraiser Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, February 16th, following the 10 am Mass downstairs in Glastonbury Hall. Admission is $10 Adult, $5 Child up to 12 years of Age, $25 for Family of 4 (pre-school free). All proceeds go … Continue reading
Update from Fr. Keith
As you are well aware, I have been away from parish ministry since early January. As I work with the healthcare system, an ever-evolving reality, the present plan is for me to be off for two to three months.Beginning this week, Fr. Krzysztof (Krys) Stanula, CSMA will be filling in … Continue reading
Food Sunday, First Sunday of Each Month
Parishioners who are able to donate nonperishable food items, please bring them to the weekendmasses for the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry. Donations may be left near the angel holy water fonts at the entrance to the church. Thank you!
First Saturday Gathering
Topic: Our Lady of Medjugorje. Everyone is invited after the 4 pm Saturday mass, February 01 in the K of C Room. For further information , please contact Ray or Marilyn Yu 902-628-2397 or email There will be a light lunch, prating the Holy Rosary, Fellowship and presentation.
2025 Envelopes
2025 envelopes are located at the church entrance. If you used envelopes in 2024, there should be a set there with your name on it. If you would like to begin to use envelopes, new sets are available. Please provide the info requested. Your financial support is crucial and greatly … Continue reading
St. Dunstan’s CWL
The St. Dunstan’s Catholic Women’s League will meet on Saturday, January 25th @10am-12noon in the K of C Room. New members or interested in learning more about the CWL welcome. Call 902-218-3003 for more information. Snow date: Feb.1st.
Bulletin Advertising
Our parish bulletin cover is soon going to print for this year. If you own a business or know of a credible business that may benefit from this form of advertising, please contact Shani Court, 902-314-5307 or as soon as possible. We encourage businesses to advertise and parishioners to … Continue reading
COR Men’s Ministry
COR (meaning “heart”) is the name of our Parish Men’s Ministry. On Sunday January 12 at 7:00pm in the K of C Council Chambers (Dorchester St. side of Basilica) our gathering will be focused on the “7 Deadly Sins” & the corresponding “7 Lively Virtues” as presented by Bishop Robert … Continue reading
Holy Hour
Each First Friday following the 9 am Mass. Intentions of the Church—local and universal—our community, our world, and all of your personal needs are remembered. All welcome!
Saturday 4 PM Mass
As in the past couple of years, will be celebrated in the lower church beginning January 11 and continuing for the cold-weather months. In some ways, it’s not as convenient as in the main church, but it is sufficient for our needs, and seen, by the Property and Finance Committee, … Continue reading
A reminder that the lift is available for any who find the steps difficult. Please use the Dorchester St. door. A number is posted by which you may contact a greeter who will gladly assist you.
Food Sunday
Parishioners who are able to donate non perishable food items for the St Vincent De Paul pantry. Please bring them on weekend masses and place them near angel holy water fonts at entrance of the church. Thank you.
Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina with the Sunday readings will be held on Tuesdays, following the 12:05 Mass–12:50 to 1:45 in the Parish Boardroom. All welcome!