Author Archives: Leo Marchildon
Welcome back to our new catechetical year. To help offset the cost of materials, there is a fee of $20 per student or $40 per family. E-transfer: Please indicate your child’s name and grade in the message line of the e-transfer. Alternatively, fees may be paid by cash or … Continue reading
Soup Kitchen Meal
Tuesday, October 29. Sheets to sign up for menu items at church entrance. If you’d like to help prepare vegetables, serve the meal, etc., please contact Gay Garvey, 902-218-3003.
Children’s Choir
A new Children’s Choir led by Leo Marchildon, our music director, and assisted by Erinn Doyle, is starting for singers ages 9 – 14 to provide occasional Mass music. Rehearsals Thursday afternoons 5:30 – 6:15 pm in the boardroom of the SDU building next door to the church. Parents, please … Continue reading
K of C Council 824 Monthly Meeting
Tuesday, October 8, 7 pm in the Council Chambers.
Catholic Missions in Canada (CMIC) 2025 Calendars
Calendars are now available after Mass from members of the K of C in support of parishes inremote and poor mission communities across Canada. 75 copies available. Suggested donation: $15.
K of C Council 824 Fundraiser Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, October 20, following the 10 am Mass in Glastonbury Hall. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for children up to 12 years of Age, $25 for a family of 4 (pre-schoolers are free). All proceeds to K of C approved charities such as: Special Olympics, Coats for Kids and … Continue reading
Men’s COR Gathering
Sunday, October 20, at 7:00 PM in the St Dunstan’s K of C Chambers (side entrance on King St). All men of the parish and broader community are welcome to join us for food, prayer and fellowship. We look forward to seeing you!
Rehearsals for the Basilica Christmas Concert
Rehearsals begin Wednesday October 16 in the SDU building across from the Basilica and run Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. All welcome! Featured works include John Rutter’s “Gloria” and the contemporary cantata “The Wonders of His Love”. The concert is scheduled for Tuesday December 17at 7 pm, with … Continue reading
OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults)
This ministry enables adults who are not Catholic and interested in learning more about the Catholic faith to attend weekly sessions. It is a time of faith-sharing and exploration with Fr. Keith and members of the St. Dunstan’s Basilica Parish community. Sessions will begin in October. All interested, please contact … Continue reading
Service/Reception Window
On several occasions over the past months, there have been security issues when Irene, and before her, Elaine, have been alone in the office. To address this, a window has been installed in the entrance corridor. Please be aware of this when you come to the office. If you need … Continue reading
A reminder that the lift is available for any who find the steps difficult. Please use the Dorchester St.door. A number is posted by which you may contact a greeter who will gladly assist you.
Food Sunday, First Sunday of Each Month
Parishioners who are able to donate non-perishable food items for the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry. They may be left at the church entrance holy water fonts. Many thanks!
Hearing Loop
HEARING LOOP. is available in the two centre rows of the church. Please let us know if it is working for you.
Hospitality Committee
Would you be interested in helping, from time to time, to organize events such as our Pot Lucks and other social gatherings? A sign-up sheet is available at the church entrance. Thanks for considering.
2024 Envelopes
Available at the church entrance. If there are none there, you may contact the Parish Office 902-894-3486 or Your financial support is needed and appreciated. Many thanks!