The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a basketball free throw championship event as part of our Community program, and local youth basketball players are invited to participate. This year's Free Throw will take place in the morning and afternoon of Sunday, January 19th, 2025 at the Carrefour de l'sle-Saint-Jean, 5 Acadian Drive from 9 am till it is complete. Winners will then be invited to compete in the Provincial Championship in February. An overview of the K of C Free throw is available here:
The age categories are:
Ages 9, 10, and 11 (boys and girls)
Ages 12, 13, 14 (girls)
Ages 12, 13, 14 (boys competition)
For registration form please contact:
Kenny Nkundwa : 782-377 6672 kennytheophile10@gmail .com
Patrick Doohan: 902-393-1706
Billy Shang: 902-218-2200
Knights of Columbus Basketball Championship
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