• St. Dunstan's Basilica

    St. Dunstan’s Basilica

  • St. Dunstan's Interior

    St. Dunstan’s Interior

The Cathedral Parish at St. Dunstan’s Basilica is a Roman Catholic community of believers, rooted in the Word of God, and centered on the Eucharist. Having received the legacy of faith from those who have gone before us, we strive to live that faith in mercy, justice and truth in the spirit of Christ. We endeavor to be a community of hospitality, extending welcome to all.

Bulletin April 28 -FIFTH Sunday of Easter
  • Recent Posts

  • Examination of Conscience

    Reading (Exodus 20.1-17)
    God spoke all these words: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me.
    You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name. Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy.
    Honour your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.
    You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. You shall not covet your neighbour’s house; you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour.
    The word of the Lord



    READER I: In this Lenten time,/Exodus says:                   God spoke all these words...

     How important / to me / is what God says?/ Do I realize that God wants to provide me with direction and guidance / so my life can be happy and fulfilled?/ Do I see God s Word as restricting me /or freeing me?/ Do I spend time reading, / discussing, / and listening to that Word?/

    READER II: In this Lenten time,/ Exodus says:                   I am the Lord your God,/ who brought you out of the Land of Egypt,/ out of the house of slavery;/ you shall have no other gods before me.

    Do I recognize where God has acted in my life / to save me?/ Am I grateful? / Is God the only god in my life?/ Do I make other idols that I worship / around which I centre my life?/ Maybe money, / or popularity / or getting ahead / or the latest styles/ or some kind of addiction?/ What do I look to for happiness/ for salvation?/

    READER I: In this Lenten time,/ Exodus says:                   You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God,/ for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name.

    Do I respect God s name?/ Do I misuse the name of God to make a point/ or to express some emotion/ or to impress someone? Do I respectfully call upon the name of the Lord to help/ to guide me in life s decisions?/

    READER II: In this Lenten time,/ Exodus says:                   Remember the sabbath day,/ and keep it holy.

    What is my notion of Sunday?/ Do I regularly participate in the Sunday or Saturday afternoon Eucharist?/ Do I try to live my faith everyday?/ How do I spend my Sunday s?/ Have sports or hobbies/ or some other pursuit/ taken the place where God and prayer need to be?/ Do I take time to be rested and refreshed/ or do I fall into the trap of treating every day being the same?/ In my involvement in planning for other people s lives, / do I respect their religious beliefs and practices,/ their need for rest?/

    READER I: In this Lenten time,/ Exodus says:                   Honour your father and your mother,/ so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.

    Am I respectful of my parents/ or of their memory?/ Have I sought to forgive or understand my parents/ for their mistakes and injustices toward me even if this is a slow process?/ Do I assume my share of family obligations?/ Do I take the responsibilities of being a father or mother or care-giver seriously?/

    READER II: In this Lenten time,/ Exodus says:                    You shall not murder.

    Am I respectful of human life at all its stages?/ Do I acknowledge that all life belongs to God/ and is given as a gift?/ Do I support the life of others through my attitudes toward them /, and through sharing my time and resources?/ Do I speak up for those who can t speak for themselves?/ Do I respect and nurture the gift of my own life/ - caring for myself in body, mind, and spirit?/ Am I a good steward of the gift of God s creation?/ Do I see care for creation as necessary to the support of life?/

    READER I: In this Lenten time,/ Exodus says:         You shall not commit adultery

     Am I faithful to my vocation in life?/ Am I respectful of the vocations and commitments of others?/ Do I take the necessary time to grow and deepen in my vocation?/ Am I supportive of my spouse?/ If I have been wronged and hurt in a relationship, what has been my response?/ Am I sensitive to others who experience difficulty in relationships?/

    READER II: In this Lenten time,/ Exodus says:                    You shall not steal.

    Do I respect the property of others?/ Do I take what does not belong to me?/ Have I tried to make amends for what I have wrongfully taken?/ Do I provide others with what is rightfully theirs?/ Have I ever stolen another s reputation through gossip?/ Have I betrayed another?/ Do I act justly in sharing my goods with those in need - near or far?/ Have I explored the reasons why some in our world have so much,/ while some have so little?/ Do I take opportunities to be educated about the causes of injustice in our world?/ Do I do all I can to save the Earth for future generations, rather than steal its abundance from them?

    READER I: In this Lenten time,/ Exodus says:                   You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.

     Have I told lies about someone?/ Have I delighted in telling something harmful about another,/ even if it was true? / Have I unnecessarily spoken ill of another?/ Am I dependable in my relationships?/ Am I honest/ - even in situations where honesty may make me look bad?/

    READER II: In this Lenten time, / Exodus says: You shall not covet your neighbour s house;/ you shall not covet your neighbour s wife,/ or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey,/ or anything that belongs to your neighbour.

    Do I celebrate the achievements of others?/ Do I rejoice with those who are rejoicing?/ What place do jealousy and envy have in my life?/ Do I ever belittle the accomplishments of another?/ Do I judge my own worth/ or the worth of another/ by the number of possessions accumulated?/ Am I appreciative of what I have?/ Do I count my blessings?/ Am I responsible in my use of money

    Weekend Masses
    Saturday : 4 pm
    Sunday :  10 am
    Sunday : 5 pm

    Weekday Masses
    Monday and Friday: 9 am -  Main Church
    Tuesday and Thursday: 12:05 pm - Main Church

    Tuesday and Thursday: 11 - 11:45 am - Downstairs in Glastonbury Hall (Dorchester St. Entrance)
    Saturday: 2:15 - 3:15 pm - Downstairs in Glastonbury Hall (Dorchester St. Entrance)